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March 31st, 2018 at 4:39:21 AM permalink
Quote: terapined

These teens are playing hard ball.
It was a weak self serving apology and the teens are milking it.
Keeps them in the news

I almost miss the old days when all you had to do was kiss Jesse Jacksons's ass and you were good to go.
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March 31st, 2018 at 4:54:05 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

I almost miss the old days when all you had to do was kiss Jesse Jacksons's ass and you were good to go.

Its funny when republicans talk about dems living in the past

Favorite names brought up by republicans

Bill clinton
Jesse jackson
Ronald reagan
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March 31st, 2018 at 5:47:58 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Its funny when republicans talk about dems living in the past

Favorite names brought up by republicans

Bill clinton
Jesse jackson
Ronald reagan

Add Hillary to that list as well.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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March 31st, 2018 at 7:14:37 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

The interesting thing is if any rich corporate billionaire is a deep-state operative it would be donald trump

I dont know why poor and middle class working people feel a born millionaire turned billionaire through lying corporate bankruptcies and money laundering is one of them

Why do evangelists believe a wife cheating multiple marriage woman crotch grabbing lying pornstar sleeping and bribing guy is one of them

This will probably be one of socio-politics main studies for the next 100 years

Donald Trump did not convince the lower/middle working class or the evangelicals to like him, he convinced them to absolutely HATE HRC/Liberals to such an extreme that those people will excuse anything and everything Trump does because “it’s still better than Hillary”. Have you ever talked to Trump supporter who did not use HRC as their primary argument?

And that’s why conservatives will not shut up about Hillary. That’s why they bully and defame school shooting survivors. If they lose the liberal boogeyman, they lose their only means to get voters to excuse disgusting behavior.
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March 31st, 2018 at 7:17:05 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

Add Hillary to that list as well.

And Obama, we are still all paying for that disaster!

Kids and Grandkids of Cons and Libs alike will never be able to pay off that debt, But hey we had "Shovel Ready Jobs", "Cash for Clunkers" & Millions on late night planes to Iran.

And YES, Trump and today's GOP isn't helping matters either by acting like a Democrat fiscally. Face it America is f'd. Camera Hogg and his friends are getting exactly what they deserve if they expect government to be the answer to their "problems".
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March 31st, 2018 at 7:36:57 AM permalink
It takes a mighty big man to insult high school kids.
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction is supposed to make sense.
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March 31st, 2018 at 7:45:08 AM permalink
Quote: billryan

It takes a mighty big man to insult high school kids.

Just like here, you should attack the message and not the messenger.

But I think the high schoolers who are putting themselves out there in the public arena forfeit the 'protection' that many here want to afford them because they are youngsters.
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March 31st, 2018 at 7:51:59 AM permalink
Quote: billryan

It takes a mighty big man to insult high school kids.

Thanks Billy if that iis ntended for me. I do believe I am “bigger” than you in multiple ways. Perhaps we have a new challenge for the Spring Fling. But I don’t think we can do it at McDonalds.

And just to make sure I understand you, are high school aged shooters off limits to insults or just tools of the left like Camera?
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March 31st, 2018 at 7:58:12 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Thanks Billy if that iis ntended for me. I do believe I am “bigger” than you in multiple ways. Perhaps we have a new challenge for the Spring Fling. But I don’t think we can do it at McDonalds.

And just to make sure I understand you, are high school aged shooters off limits to insults or just tools of the left like Camera?

Not Camera Hogg. Hes off limits

Only Boz Hogg :)

Dukes of hazzard making america great again
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March 31st, 2018 at 8:00:52 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Not Camera Hogg. Hes off limits

Only Boz Hogg :)

Dukes of hazzard making america great again

Not bad at all. I like that.
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March 31st, 2018 at 8:09:14 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Face it America is f'd.

America will be just fine.
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March 31st, 2018 at 8:21:04 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

I think mass shooters use the AR-15 because it's "sexy."

The military adopted it, the Vietnam War popularized it, and so did movies and TV after that (in America), which led to it being mass-produced for the public. It's effectiveness is just a side-effect. I don't think mass shooters are saying to themselves "I'll use the AR-15 because it can cycle rounds with X force and blah blah blah." They're using it because that's what they know, because that's how that weapon has evolved in our culture.

I would argue that there is something solid in this post.

I recall Wiz, many years ago when I was new, railed on a MSM posting about car thefts. He beef was they made it sound like the car in question was somehow more at risk (Toyota Camry, IIRC), when in fact it was nothing more than simple statistics. As the Camry is one of if not the single best selling car in the world, of course it will hold the highest slot in a majority of car fact lists. I think his argument was in the "deception by numbers" vein.

Your post focuses on the same thing, and I believe it is correct for the same reason.

Quote: boymimbo

I'll address this. In and of itself, the folks (school children) advocating for the reduction of gun violence do not understand the very low likelihood of it happening. Nonetheless, given the actions that Americans have taken to do things like prevent people from poisoning tylenol bottles, from getting on planes with bombs made from bottles of Aquafina or Adidas, reacting to the bombing of the WTC with two wars costing trillions of dollars, and the "war on drugs", my experience of living in America is a population that lives in fear and in a heightened state of anxiety.

The fear, I think, comes from a 24 hour news cycle, from extremist politics on both sides and a declining society where the rich keep getting richer and the poor and middle class are finding it harder to reach the American dream, whatever the hell that is. What is it, anyway? A white picket fence? Home ownership? Free porn? A rifle collection? I dunno. Anyone who watches live TV gets a dose of things that are supposed to make you happy. Anyway, back to fear.

So the fear drives the 2A right nuts and it drives the repeal folks too. Fear that the government wants to do away with your guns. Fear that at any moment, you might get attacked by a home invasion. Fear that your school is next. The same people who cry out that the odds of a school shooting are so low also neglect the fact that the odds of having to use your gun to protect yourself are equally as low.

No real argument from me. I'm certain there's a culture of fear being promoted.

Quote: Harold Holzer

It is the newspaper's duty to print the news and raise hell

I like to think I'm above it, or that I can see through it. I know I've been asking for years if the world's really going to hell in a hand cart, or if it's just 24/7 news making it seem so. And as we've all seen through arguments such as these, quality of life keeps going up, medical breakthroughs keep going up, access to tech miracles increase exponentially, and crime is on a two decades long decline, including gun crime. I spent and promise to spend no time worrying or acting against anyone's third term, against the Lizard People, or against the repeal of the Second. My insanity does have clearly defined limits.

The best way I can explain and defend my stance is as insurance. If you know me at all, you know I'm a risk taker and generally throw caution to the wind. I have no problem admitting and doubt anyone will be surprised to learn that I've been rolling without car insurance for about 2 months, and plan to for another couple weeks. I occasionally drop health insurance, despite living a lifestyle in permanent state of high risk. But certain things are too precious to take chances with. Despite a belief and evidence aplenty that I am, in fact, invincible, I do have a life insurance policy, because the danger of leaving my kid in the lurch is too great. Despite the apparently 0% chance that I die early, the pain that would be caused if it did happen is too great to accept, hence a policy.

My armory is an extension of that. The home invasion I suffered would have been easily terminated with the 10 in my Glock that I had at the time, or the 5 in my 442 that I have now. Certainly. And of all the human and animal dangers I've faced, and all of the times my hand has dipped for a weapon, and all of the times my brain went to the defensive action, grabbing any one of my rifles has never once entered my head. All the times I've been caught out, wishing for a rifle has never entered my head. Of all the loaded weapons in all of the rooms of my house, only one is a rifle, and it's a 5rd bolt action.

BUT.... the risk is simply too great. When I recall other nations who have underwent a disarmament, when I recall 1943 and the internment of Asian AMERICANS, when I recall 1960 and the theft of my grandfathers land that now sits in mud under 75' of water, when I recall 1993 and the barricade and confiscation of Seneca Nation land and property, when I recall the theft of land for the Rt219 extension, when I recall DAPL, when I see American values trampled under disgusting smoke and mirrors like the Patriot Act, when I see We the People being diluted under s#$% like Citizens United, when I see PAC's, SuperPac's, and special interests having faaaaar too great of an influence, when I see terrifyingly rapid expansion of wealth disparity, when I see unattainable rampant spending into debt that is a whole percentage point of the entire world's wealth, when I see mega wealth trumping every sense of fairness, decency, and righteousness...

I have made my choice and that choice is to stand. I have no march, no million Twitter followers, no media attention. I have no billion dollar pocket, no NRA support, no mass of gunners on speed dial or hordes of conservatives championing my name. But my fight is every bit as important and noble, I would even argue more so, than the one being conducted by the Parkland teens. Just as they have the right, I daresay "duty", to encourage a swell so great it cannot be ignored, so too do I have a duty to see this energy is not used to create a situation that is even more harmful.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." I'm not giving up on the former. But I will stop at nothing to protect the option of the latter. A weapon is power, and it belongs with The People.
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March 31st, 2018 at 9:04:43 AM permalink

Just like here, you should attack the message and not the messenger.

But I think the high schoolers who are putting themselves out there in the public arena forfeit the 'protection' that many here want to afford them because they are youngsters.

I don't think any high school student should be bullied simply for their political views
Attack the message but not the messenger
I totally support MSD HS Survivor David Hogg's free speech speaking for gun control
I am totally against bullying David Hogg simply for his political views
I totally support MSD HS Survivor Kyle Kushov's free speech speaking against gun control
I am totally against bullying Kyle Kushov simply for his political views
Its just a forum. Nothing here to get obsessed about.
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March 31st, 2018 at 9:13:41 AM permalink
Quote: terapined

I don't think any high school student should be bullied simply for their political views
Attack the message but not the messenger
I totally support MSD HS Survivor David Hogg's free speech speaking for gun control
I am totally against bullying David Hogg simply for his political views
I totally support MSD HS Survivor Kyle Kushov's free speech speaking against gun control
I am totally against bullying Kyle Kushov simply for his political views

I actually am really not that interested in this, and haven't followed it at all except here on WoV, but how exactly have these young men been "bullied'? Or is your definition of 'bullying' someone else's exercising their first amendment rights?
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March 31st, 2018 at 10:07:45 AM permalink

I actually am really not that interested in this, and haven't followed it at all except here on WoV, but how exactly have these young men been "bullied'? Or is your definition of 'bullying' someone else's exercising their first amendment rights?

So your defence of laura ingraham bullying is she is exercising her first amendment rights

Actually she is. She can speak freely. But her words and tone are still bullying
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March 31st, 2018 at 10:17:50 AM permalink

I actually am really not that interested in this, and haven't followed it at all except here on WoV, but how exactly have these young men been "bullied'? Or is your definition of 'bullying' someone else's exercising their first amendment rights?

They have literally been compared to Nazis and the Hitler Youth by some conservative media outlets.

They have had inflammatory lies made up about them in order to discredit them.


I haven't been following this story much either, but it's clear these kids being bullied and attacked online.
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March 31st, 2018 at 10:49:37 AM permalink
Laura is taking the week off, as more advertisers bail on her show. Thankfully, most Americans have enough class not to engage in name calling with a bunch of kids. Then you have bozos like Ted Nugent, desperately trying to stay relevant in a world that h as passed them by.
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction is supposed to make sense.
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March 31st, 2018 at 11:17:46 AM permalink
I am seeing a lot of rumblings about this Hogg kid... I'm not sure how much of it is true--

--His father is an FBI agent, and he was involved with the shooter months before the shootings took place... he was on the team that investigated him when he was spouting off on social media.

--His mother works for CNN and supposedly, she is the one who is coaching her son when he speaks to the press.

--He was on CBS 6 months before the shooting in a police hostility incident on a Florida beach.
3m 40s
Honestly, what are the odds that a kid gets on CBS and then 6 months later becomes a public activist all over CNN, when his mother works for CNN??

-He first said that he was in the school when the shootings took place and then later, he changed his story and said that he was at home when the shootings took place.

-He doesn't look like he's 18, he looks a lot older and speaks like he's 28.

All of this seems too coincidental to pass my smell test. Am i just paranoid?
Last edited by: discflicker on Mar 31, 2018
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March 31st, 2018 at 11:23:02 AM permalink
Quote: 777

Let’s take a quick look at this rambling from Paradign,

Quote: Paradigm

The kids don't get the ball over the goal line for any logical person just because they suffered a tragedy...while every rational person hurts for them and the nightmare they endured, that doesn't make those same kids any smarter about what can be improved with regard to gun legislation and how to get it accomplished. If a life tragedy makes you smarter about a subject, why aren't we putting the survivors of the FIU bridge collapse on TV telling us how to build better bridges and listening to them about new construction regulations? Because putting David and Emma up on stage shouting ridiculous statements and standing in silence for a some meaningful period of time makes for good TV & a good news cycle...if your in to that sort of thing...or if the ratings will make your network $$.

Quote: 777

WFT! I don’t see any common sense, coherent & intelligent in the rambling above. Frankly, all I see from the rambling above is a message with full of anger and idiocy, I have no idea why a bridge collapse has anything to do with the heroic action demanding gun regulations taken up by the kids, who by the way are not expert in assault weapons.

It is pretty simple, here's the breakdown...The gun regulation crowd is asking America to listen to survivors of the MSD tragedy for direction/input on how to change gun regulation. If we aren't asking the survivors of the FIU bridge collapse for their input on how to change bridge construction regulation and we don't ask passenger survivors of commercial airplane crashes for their input on new ATC regulation/protocols, why are we listening to David Hogg et al on what should be done about gun regulations?

I'll wait 3 days for a response as I see YOUR "anger" got you in trouble...again! Mental note, using the term "idiocy" directly referenced to an member doesn't qualify as an insult, good to know!
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March 31st, 2018 at 11:44:02 AM permalink
Quote: discflicker

I am seeing a lot of rumblings about this Hogg kid... I'm not sure how much of it is true--

--His father is an FBI agent, and he was involved with the shooter months before the shootings took place... he was on the team that investigated him when he was spouting off on social media.

--His mother works for CNN and supposedly, she is the one who is coaching her son when he speaks to the press.

--He was on CBS 6 months before the shooting in a police hostility incident on a Florida beach.
3m 40s
Honestly, what are the odds that a kid gets on CBS and then 6 months later becomes a public activist all over CNN, when his mother works for CNN??

-He first said that he was in the school when the shootings took place and then later, he changed his story and said that he was at home when the shootings took place.

-He doesn't look like he's 18, he looks a lot older and speaks like he's 28.

All of this seems too coincidental to pass my smell test. Am i just paranoid?

Paranoid isn't the first word that comes to mind.

Hogg Sr retired from the FBI in 2014, and was based in LA so the chances of him being on a task force in
Florida in 2017 are pretty slim.
His Mother is a teacher and doesn't work for CNN.
He shot a youtube video months before the shooting. Horrors.
The nonsense about his changing story comes from faux News and has already been discredited
How long do you suppose this 28 year old actor has been playing an 18 year old? Five years? Ten?
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction is supposed to make sense.
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March 31st, 2018 at 12:10:37 PM permalink
I'm waiting for someone to come forward to Fox News or Info Wars saying, "I was a crisis actor for a false flag operation. Here's proof..."

I'm sure it will happen any day now, since hundreds if not thousands of people seem to be on the gov't's crisis actor payroll....

Any day now.....
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March 31st, 2018 at 12:15:42 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Paranoid isn't the first word that comes to mind.

Hogg Sr retired from the FBI in 2014, and was based in LA so the chances of him being on a task force in
Florida in 2017 are pretty slim.
His Mother is a teacher and doesn't work for CNN.
He shot a youtube video months before the shooting. Horrors.
The nonsense about his changing story comes from faux News and has already been discredited
How long do you suppose this 28 year old actor has been playing an 18 year old? Five years? Ten?

OK, I need to check my info a bit better, thanks. I knew some of it was shaky, and I don't want to spread false rumors, so I'll look into deeper.

He still seems suspicious, though. So just for the record, his mother never worked for CNN? His YouTube video WAS ON CBS, that is a fact. Was he was or was he not in the school when the shootings took place? Why are these "alternative truths" being published? I never said he was an actor, but he does look and speak like he's 28 years old.
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
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March 31st, 2018 at 12:17:35 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Laura is taking the week off, as more advertisers bail on her show. Thankfully, most Americans have enough class not to engage in name calling with a bunch of kids. Then you have bozos like Ted Nugent, desperately trying to stay relevant in a world that h as passed them by.

Love your definition of class. This to me is a classy kid.

So in the last day you brought my mother into it and questioned what kind of big man I am. I assume that also falls under your definition.

Class act there my friend, class act indeed.
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March 31st, 2018 at 12:39:14 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

Donald Trump did not convince the lower/middle working class or the evangelicals to like him, he convinced them to absolutely HATE HRC/Liberals to such an extreme that those people will excuse anything and everything Trump does because “it’s still better than Hillary”. Have you ever talked to Trump supporter who did not use HRC as their primary argument?

And that’s why conservatives will not shut up about Hillary. That’s why they bully and defame school shooting survivors. If they lose the liberal boogeyman, they lose their only means to get voters to excuse disgusting behavior.

Evangelicals would have supported Trump because of Pence.
----- You want the truth! You can't handle the truth!
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March 31st, 2018 at 12:43:32 PM permalink
Quote: discflicker

I am seeing a lot of rumblings about this Hogg kid... I'm not sure how much of it is true--

--His father is an FBI agent, and he was involved with the shooter months before the shootings took place... he was on the team that investigated him when he was spouting off on social media.

--His mother works for CNN and supposedly, she is the one who is coaching her son when he speaks to the press.

--He was on CBS 6 months before the shooting in a police hostility incident on a Florida beach.
3m 40s
Honestly, what are the odds that a kid gets on CBS and then 6 months later becomes a public activist all over CNN, when his mother works for CNN??

-He first said that he was in the school when the shootings took place and then later, he changed his story and said that he was at home when the shootings took place.

-He doesn't look like he's 18, he looks a lot older and speaks like he's 28.

All of this seems too coincidental to pass my smell test. Am i just paranoid?

It doesn't pass the smell test because its ALL TOTAL BS
Come Boz, you just go to the conspiracy sites and just reprint their BS?

The mother never worked for CNN.
This is a no brainer with an easy google search
I am not going to address the rest of the lies because they are lies.

If you are gonna post BS lies like the Mom worked for CNN. The least you can do is provide a source for the lie.
I personally took the CNN tour
The Grateful Dead were playing next door at the Omni
Because I took the same tour as David Hoggs family, that makes me a CNN employee?
Just the set the record straight. If you take the CNN tour and take pictures, that does not make you an employee of CNN
By the way, its a pretty neat tour
You can sit at an anchors desk and take pictures
Be careful, you snap that pic and Boz will accuse you of working for CNN lol
Last edited by: terapined on Mar 31, 2018
Its just a forum. Nothing here to get obsessed about.
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March 31st, 2018 at 12:44:17 PM permalink
Quote: Face

IBUT.... the risk is simply too great. When I recall other nations who have underwent a disarmament, when I recall 1943 and the internment of Asian AMERICANS, when I recall 1960 and the theft of my grandfathers land that now sits in mud under 75' of water, when I recall 1993 and the barricade and confiscation of Seneca Nation land and property, when I recall the theft of land for the Rt219 extension, when I recall DAPL, when I see American values trampled under disgusting smoke and mirrors like the Patriot Act, when I see We the People being diluted under s#$% like Citizens United, when I see PAC's, SuperPac's, and special interests having faaaaar too great of an influence, when I see terrifyingly rapid expansion of wealth disparity, when I see unattainable rampant spending into debt that is a whole percentage point of the entire world's wealth, when I see mega wealth trumping every sense of fairness, decency, and righteousness...

I wouldn't really care if you had M240s in each corner of your house, as long as they were fixed on permanent swivels steel posted into the foundation and perhaps fortified from removal in additional ways. I'd consider that preferable than the situation we have now in America.
There's no secret. Just know what you're talking about before you open your mouth.
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March 31st, 2018 at 12:50:25 PM permalink
Quote: Paradigm

It is pretty simple, here's the breakdown...The gun regulation crowd is asking America to listen to survivors of the MSD tragedy for direction/input on how to change gun regulation. If we aren't asking the survivors of the FIU bridge collapse for their input on how to change bridge construction regulation and we don't ask passenger survivors of commercial airplane crashes for their input on new ATC regulation/protocols, why are we listening to David Hogg et al on what should be done about gun regulations?

I'll wait 3 days for a response as I see YOUR "anger" got you in trouble...again! Mental note, using the term "idiocy" directly referenced to an member doesn't qualify as an insult, good to know!

I will answer

Because when FIU bridge collapsed bridge specialists were brought in to analyze how to prevent this from happening again WITHOUT RIGHT WINGERS ARGUING WHY THE BRIDGES SHOULD BE LEFT THE SAME BECAUSE ITS THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO KEEP STATUS QUO

Ditto for the ATC question
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March 31st, 2018 at 12:53:51 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

I wouldn't really care if you had M240s in each corner of your house, as long as they were fixed on permanent swivels steel posted into the foundation and perhaps fortified from removal in additional ways.

I want a WWI trench system running round my house and a No Man's Land between that and the city streets.
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March 31st, 2018 at 1:18:51 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

It doesn't pass the smell test because its ALL TOTAL BS
Come Boz, you just go to the conspiracy sites and just reprint their BS?

The mother never worked for CNN.
This is a no brainer with an easy google search
I am not going to address the rest of the lies because they are lies.

If you are gonna post BS lies like the Mom worked for CNN. The least you can do is provide a source for the lie.
I personally took the CNN tour
The Grateful Dead were playing next door at the Omni
Because I took the same tour as David Hoggs family, that makes me a CNN employee?
Just the set the record straight. If you take the CNN tour and take pictures, that does not make you an employee of CNN
By the way, its a pretty neat tour
You can sit at an anchors desk and take pictures
Be careful, you snap that pic and Boz will accuse you of working for CNN lol

That's not my post, I don't believe that conspiracy BS.

What I posted came from his mouth.
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March 31st, 2018 at 1:29:37 PM permalink
It doesn't pass the smell test because its ALL TOTAL BS
Come Boz, you just go to the conspiracy sites and just reprint their BS?

The mother never worked for CNN.
This is a no brainer with an easy google search
I am not going to address the rest of the lies because they are lies.

If you are gonna post BS lies like the Mom worked for CNN. The least you can do is provide a source for the lie.
I personally took the CNN tour
The Grateful Dead were playing next door at the Omni
Because I took the same tour as David Hoggs family, that makes me a CNN employee?
Just the set the record straight. If you take the CNN tour and take pictures, that does not make you an employee of CNN
By the way, its a pretty neat tour
You can sit at an anchors desk and take pictures
Be careful, you snap that pic and Boz will accuse you of working for CNN lol

I prefaced my post by saying "I'm not sure how much of it is true". Some of it IS true... the YouTube video was on CBS 6 months before the shooting. His father did work for the FBI and is actively involved with his son's agenda. I heard that he was involved with the investigation of the shooter on a YouTube video, it might be false. David Hogg does look and speak like he's in his late 20's. I have seen the photos of the CNN tour and agree that might be why she is being described as a CNN employee. I'm still researching it because I've seen a website that describes her as a CNN VIP. I am having problems using google to research this for some reason.

HOWEVER, David Hogg is DEFINITELY directing the focus of this tragedy away from the real cause, which is the psychotropic drugs the shooter was taking that caused him to do it in the first place. Also, he's directing the focus away from the police that were there and could've helped. I do not believe that he is for real because he is following the exact mainstream media narrative that we see every time a mass shooting occurs. NEARLY EVERY TIME, PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS ARE THE CAUSE. That is the fact that Hogg and the MSM are hiding from us. I now believe that Hogg is a coached and coerced victim, at least, and yes, a professional actor at worst.

As far as Hogg being there or not at the time of the shooting, here is just one of hundreds of reports that say he changed his story, and what he says here, in his own words, doesn't make sense...
2m 42s

So I didn't just pull this out of thin air, and I'm not lying or making anything up, OK?
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
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March 31st, 2018 at 1:49:22 PM permalink
Quote: Boz

That's not my post, I don't believe that conspiracy BS.

What I posted came from his mouth.

Don't know how I got you mixed up with this
Is it that' I am starting to worry about our bet now That Kim is able to leave the country :-)
Its just a forum. Nothing here to get obsessed about.
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March 31st, 2018 at 1:51:31 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

Don't know how I got you mixed up with this
Is it that' I am starting to worry about our bet now That Kim is able to leave the country :-)

Don’t sweat it yet, Trump still has time to f it up.
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March 31st, 2018 at 2:03:43 PM permalink
Quote: discflicker

As far as Hogg being there or not at the time of the shooting, here is just one of hundreds of reports that say he changed his story, and what he says here, in his own words, doesn't make sense...

He hasn't changed his story. That quote is taken out of context by people wanting to malign him.

Hogg was in school during the attack. There is even video that he shot of everyone hiding and he's talking to people while it's going on. After the shooting was over and people went home, he came back hours later to document what was still going on. That's what he's talking about in that interview you linked to.

This is simple research that conspiracy theorists are refusing to do to obfuscate the issue and make everything worse. The information is out there but they're ignoring it because they have an agenda to push, too.
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March 31st, 2018 at 2:03:57 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

I want a WWI trench system running round my house and a No Man's Land between that and the city streets.

Just throw all your used needles in the yard and chain your pit bull to the electric meter, keeps muni workers out of your grass. lol
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March 31st, 2018 at 2:09:36 PM permalink
Quote: discflicker

[. I have seen the photos of the CNN tour and agree that might be why she is being described as a CNN employee. I'm still researching it because I've seen a website that describes her as a CNN VIP. I am having problems using google to research this for some reason.

She took the CNN VIP tour lol
You know
Anyplace selling a tour, for a little more cash of course, upgrade to the VIP tour
VIP these days usually means spending more
All the music festivals I go to sell VIP tickets

These are the facts
His mother never worked for CNN
His father retired from the FBI in 2014.
He is a student at MSD HS
He was at school during the shooting

Anything disputing the above facts is utter and complete BS
Its just a forum. Nothing here to get obsessed about.
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March 31st, 2018 at 2:11:51 PM permalink
Quote: Boz

Love your definition of class. This to me is a classy kid.

So in the last day you brought my mother into it and questioned what kind of big man I am. I assume that also falls under your definition.

Class act there my friend, class act indeed.

You're blind. Baby, you can't see. You need to wear some glasses like DMC, you're blind.

Grown man ridiculing a kid because of his name. When you cant attack the message, attack the messengers. As you seem confused, allow me to point out that I was commenting on what a small person you are. Neither big or even man came to mind. Juvenile did. As did punk, but I think my choice of words was pretty appropriate.
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction is supposed to make sense.
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March 31st, 2018 at 3:10:47 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

He hasn't changed his story. That quote is taken out of context by people wanting to malign him.

Hogg was in school during the attack. There is even video that he shot of everyone hiding and he's talking to people while it's going on. After the shooting was over and people went home, he came back hours later to document what was still going on. That's what he's talking about in that interview you linked to.

This is simple research that conspiracy theorists are refusing to do to obfuscate the issue and make everything worse. The information is out there but they're ignoring it because they have an agenda to push, too.

TigerWu, you may be right about this. Time will tell.

But I wouldn't put it past our government and/or internal or external "special interest groups" to coerce someone young into being an unwitting activist. Hitler loved the youth because he could mold them any way he wanted. Hogg definitely looks coached and coerced, you gotta admit that.

In any case, knowingly or not, Hogg and the MSM are distracting everyone from the real cause of the shootings, which is definitely the drugs (and the non-intervention by the police on duty). But the drugs are key!!!
6m 58s

And these drugs were DIRECTLY responsible for MOST of these travesties... how many people are aware of this fact? Isn't that more important than anything else, if we're talking about prevention?

Would it be unreasonable to say that, in the past, whole nations have attacked other nations by drugging them, for example, the entire country of China being hooked on opium, care of the British government? No, it is a fact.

Is it unreasonable to assume that big-pharma is owned by off-shore billionaires who have a $motive$ to keep the dangers of these drugs hidden from the public, at all costs? No, in fact these are mostly owned by German companies who made these exact same poisons for Hitler back in the 30s!

How much does it cost to hire a crew of actors or to pay off a bunch of politicians and "news reporters"?? Apparently, not much, our CIA has been infiltrating countries like this since WW-2.

Compare these minor "operating costs" to the Trillions they will earn on the enslavement of most Americans to the medical mafia.. once you are prescribed these drugs, you are hooked for life, during which time you may become violent and will certainly be very sick. How much is that worth to someone who has an interest in the medical industry? Millions per patient over their lifetimes, that's how much!

Isn't it obvious how big-pharma is really pulling all the strings? In our government, with the FDA fast-tracking the approval of these killer drugs? With them buying the medical schools and imposing their drugs-only agenda upon the doctors + medical professionals? With their buying the advertising time to clearly brainwash all of us into believing their "chemical imbalance" lies? And finally, with their buying the mainstream media itself, hiding the dangers of these drugs and the horrors that await everyone who gets hooked on them?

This is the most dangerous threat to us right now!! The opioid crisis is just the tip of the iceberg... they have plans for every one of us to be hooked for life!

OK, I have made my point 10 times over. Please at least watch the 7 minute video above, OK?
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
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March 31st, 2018 at 3:34:32 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

You're blind. Baby, you can't see. You need to wear some glasses like DMC, you're blind.

Grown man ridiculing a kid because of his name. When you cant attack the message, attack the messengers. As you seem confused, allow me to point out that I was commenting on what a small person you are. Neither big or even man came to mind. Juvenile did. As did punk, but I think my choice of words was pretty appropriate.

Personal insult. 3 days.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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March 31st, 2018 at 3:46:51 PM permalink
Quote: discflicker

Would it be unreasonable to say that, in the past, whole nations have attacked other nations by drugging them, for example, the entire country of China being hooked on opium, care of the British government? No, it is a fact.

HSBC bank was deemed the only Bank for drug profits of the opium trade, by British monarchy. They were also busted for global drug profit money laundering and each time convicted, only pay a token fine for laundering 500 B per year of illegal drug money. It's not even a secret, where cartel money goes to get cleaned.

I did have a link between the Sackler family [of oxycontin/perdue fame] and HSBC bank, but it went into the memory hole somewhere?
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March 31st, 2018 at 4:30:47 PM permalink
Quote: discflicker

HOWEVER, David Hogg is DEFINITELY directing the focus of this tragedy away from the real cause, which is the psychotropic drugs the shooter was taking that caused him to do it in the first place. Also, he's directing the focus away from the police that were there and could've helped. I do not believe that he is for real because he is following the exact mainstream media narrative that we see every time a mass shooting occurs. NEARLY EVERY TIME, PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS ARE THE CAUSE. That is the fact that Hogg and the MSM are hiding from us. I now believe that Hogg is a coached and coerced victim, at least, and yes, a professional actor at worst.

I'd like to point out that psychotropic drugs actually help millions of Americans feel better and are necessary for people with mental health functions to be well enough to handle themselves, recognize their behavior, and with some good ol' therapy get better, learn to recognize their own symptoms and get out of the cycle. You can call out BS, but it did wonders for my schizophrenic family member (and did wonders for the primary caregiver who no longer had to worry about whether the family member is going to hurt someone or theirselves).
----- You want the truth! You can't handle the truth!
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March 31st, 2018 at 4:52:40 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

HSBC bank was deemed the only Bank for drug profits of the opium trade, by British monarchy. They were also busted for global drug profit money laundering and each time convicted, only pay a token fine for laundering 500 B per year of illegal drug money. It's not even a secret, where cartel money goes to get cleaned.

I did have a link between the Sackler family [of oxycontin/perdue fame] and HSBC bank, but it went into the memory hole somewhere?

Yup. Don't get me started.

Is it not unreasonable to believe that these intrusions can happen to us like we've been doing to everyone else? That's why this gun-debate topic is crucial in everyone's awareness... imagine a thousand people like Dr. Peter Breggin back in China, warning everyone about opium addiction? Maybe enough people would have saw through the scam and saved themselves from life-long addiction. The gun debate is like old China, right now. Its almost too late, as growing numbers of innocent lives are being sacrificed as we speak.

My biggest problem with this is the way they're targeting our children... even little babies!! They have establish screening programs for the elderly, the disabled, all veterans, all prisoners, and now, ALL CHILDREN, and especially children in foster care. These programs always produce larger and larger percentages of "positive" diagnoses. OVER 70 % OF CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE ARE ON PSYCHOTROPIC MEDS. These big-pharma companies are in fact the most psychotic, evil forces in the history of the planet.
2m 24s
3m 55s
13m 38s
7m 58s
1h 27m 32s must watch, excellent
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
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March 31st, 2018 at 4:55:49 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Quote: discflicker

HOWEVER, David Hogg is DEFINITELY directing the focus of this tragedy away from the real cause, which is the psychotropic drugs the shooter was taking that caused him to do it in the first place. Also, he's directing the focus away from the police that were there and could've helped. I do not believe that he is for real because he is following the exact mainstream media narrative that we see every time a mass shooting occurs. NEARLY EVERY TIME, PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS ARE THE CAUSE. That is the fact that Hogg and the MSM are hiding from us. I now believe that Hogg is a coached and coerced victim, at least, and yes, a professional actor at worst.

I'd like to point out that psychotropic drugs actually help millions of Americans feel better and are necessary for people with mental health functions to be well enough to handle themselves, recognize their behavior, and with some good ol' therapy get better, learn to recognize their own symptoms and get out of the cycle. You can call out BS, but it did wonders for my schizophrenic family member (and did wonders for the primary caregiver who no longer had to worry about whether the family member is going to hurt someone or theirselves).

Drugs make you feel better? LOL. Wow the human body was created to be so weak and futile that it needs plastic pills in their bloodstream. Everything we need is already found in nature, our job is to find it and use it. You think God or whoever you think created us(based on your beliefs) would create a human body that is so incapable of healing itself through anything? You think they would put humans on a planet without the necessary resources to live with? People underestimate how truly powerful the human body is and how much is right in front of us. We have been conditioned to be reliant on 'someone else', so called 'experts', etc. There has been a massive medical agenda going on for drug use for over a century now. Drugs are never the answer, but society doesnt know better and have been conditioned to believe it's their only way.

Try a week long water fast or a month long water fast and let me know what happens. Combine that with a strict exercise regimen and no processed or refined sugar. Only sugar you should be eating is natural occurring sugar that comes from fruits(fructose) NOT glucose. Get as much fish, meat and and protein in your diet as well. If you dont want to do these long fasts, do a 20 hour fast each day and eat one big meal at night and low glycemic foods during the day such as an apple or low fat yogurt. The objective is to not raise insulin levels at all until its night time. Watch you sleep like a baby after that last meal. An understanding of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems will tell you all you need to know why you should only be eating at night.
Last edited by: ZenKinG on Mar 31, 2018
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.
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March 31st, 2018 at 5:49:46 PM permalink
Quote: ZenKinG


Drugs make you feel better? LOL. Wow the human body was created to be so weak and futile that it needs plastic pills in their bloodstream. Everything we need is already found in nature, our job is to find it and use it. You think God or whoever you think created us(based on your beliefs) would create a human body that is so incapable of healing itself through anything? You think they would put humans on a planet without the necessary resources to live with?


Try living with someone with schizophrenia where there is no natural treatment nor cure. The human brain is quite powerful enough to go awry and bring about completely believable (to the sufferer) delusions. The treatment is clear: drugs and cognitive therapy, and nothing else. Those shooters who were on the medications needed them. Quite likely, they were on the incorrect dosage, they were no longer on the medication, or their brain disease was so powerful that the drugs did not do enough to stop them.

There are hundreds of thousands of people living on the streets with severe mental health disorders, who with proper medication and cognitive therapy, could resume normal lives. Fasting, thoughts and prayers, and diet and exercise modifications will do little.

I won't go on about the benefits of big pharma. From vaccines to antibiotics to cancer treatments to AIDS medication drugs and vaccines are the primary reason, and the only reason why our life expectancies are high and we can live through most of our lives without fear of dying from such fun diseases like smallpox, measles, polio, and innocuous infections, not to mention the various heart medications, thyroid hormone replacement therapies, and so on and so forth that prolong life. Not to mention cancer treatments, insulin, and a myriad of other treatments to make life longer.

Of course drugs are an answer (not the only one) And of course ZK, you are likely alive today because of a course of drugs (vaccines) that you took throughout your childhood and that everyone around you took as well. Just because you live a blessed life empty of disease doesn't mean you know anything of which you speak on this subject.

That doesn't mean that I don't believe that your health care system is broken. It is, terribly. When doctors get kickbacks for prescribing drugs and manufacturers can jack their prices on patented products to infinity (because the value of life is not elastic) and doctors working for insurance companies can approve or deny claims without looking at a medical record you have an endemic problem that looks like "deep state" when it is really the entire health care industry (and a powerful lobby working in Washington to make working conditions conducive to that) working together to make alot more money than they should. And certainly, there is plenty of evidence of abuses, including (off the top of my head) the willingness for pharama to sell ridiculous quantities of opioids to places that clearly doesn't need them.
----- You want the truth! You can't handle the truth!
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March 31st, 2018 at 6:00:11 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo


Try living with someone with schizophrenia where there is no natural treatment nor cure. The human brain is quite powerful enough to go awry and bring about completely believable (to the sufferer) delusions. The treatment is clear: drugs and cognitive therapy, and nothing else. Those shooters who were on the medications needed them. Quite likely, they were on the incorrect dosage, they were no longer on the medication, or their brain disease was so powerful that the drugs did not do enough to stop them.

There are hundreds of thousands of people living on the streets with severe mental health disorders, who with proper medication and cognitive therapy, could resume normal lives. Fasting, thoughts and prayers, and diet and exercise modifications will do little.

I won't go on about the benefits of big pharma. From vaccines to antibiotics to cancer treatments to AIDS medication drugs and vaccines are the primary reason, and the only reason why our life expectancies are high and we can live through most of our lives without fear of dying from such fun diseases like smallpox, measles, polio, and innocuous infections, not to mention the various heart medications, thyroid hormone replacement therapies, and so on and so forth that prolong life. Not to mention cancer treatments, insulin, and a myriad of other treatments to make life longer.

Of course drugs are an answer (not the only one) And of course ZK, you are likely alive today because of a course of drugs (vaccines) that you took throughout your childhood and that everyone around you took as well. Just because you live a blessed life empty of disease doesn't mean you know anything of which you speak on this subject.

That doesn't mean that I don't believe that your health care system is broken. It is, terribly. When doctors get kickbacks for prescribing drugs and manufacturers can jack their prices on patented products to infinity (because the value of life is not elastic) and doctors working for insurance companies can approve or deny claims without looking at a medical record you have an endemic problem that looks like "deep state" when it is really the entire health care industry (and a powerful lobby working in Washington to make working conditions conducive to that) working together to make alot more money than they should. And certainly, there is plenty of evidence of abuses, including (off the top of my head) the willingness for pharama to sell ridiculous quantities of opioids to places that clearly doesn't need them.

Wrong. Even if what I said cant cure something like schizophrenia, which you have no facts saying it wouldnt since none of those people ever fasted more than 8 hours their whole lives. If that doesnt treat them, then what we have is a genetic disorder thanks to their parents who didnt take care of themselves and gave to their kids the resulting trauma. If everyone just starts taking care of themselves and start fasting, exercising and stop eating all this process and refined garbage, then watch a disease free society come to a store near you.

Smallpox, polio, measles? Oh you mean the same vaccines that are responsible for killing millions of people that have been hidden from the media? Or the same vaccines that have led to other forms of diseases such as autism, anxiety, OCD, ADD, ADHD, etc? Those same vaccines? Just go read the ingredients that are inside these vaccines. Then get back to me. Yeah thats the ticket. Lets go inject healthy people with toxic chemicals such as aluminum, lead, and aresnic, not to mention injecting a perfectly healthy human with the artificial form of the same disease these vaccines are trying to cure and prevent. LOL

It pays to use that thing called a brain above your neck.
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.
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March 31st, 2018 at 6:05:29 PM permalink
Quote: discflicker

1h 27m 32s must watch, excellent

So, you are a scientologist? As that video is written by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.

From the church of scientology:
"The Citizens Commission on Human Rights investigates and exposes psychiatric violations of human rights. It works shoulder to shoulder with like-minded groups and individuals who share a common purpose to clean up the field of mental health and shall continue to do so until psychiatry's abusive and coercive practices cease and human rights and dignity are returned to all. CCHR's Board of Advisors called Commissioners includes doctors, scientists, psychologists, lawyers, legislators, educators, business professionals, celebrities and civil and human rights representatives. CCHR was co-founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Dr. Thomas Szasz, professor emeritus of psychiatry, to eradicate mental health abuse."


"For those "in the know" (the ex-Scientologists) CCHR has two real purposes:

1) To destroy the "competition" of Scientology (Scientology wants to be known as the premier mental health therapy on the planet), and
2) To give the Scientology cult members an outward facing enemy to fight (keep them occupied so they don't discover their own mental entrapment in the Scientology cult)."

CCHR (Citizens Commision on Human Rights) produced that long video.

Be careful of what you believe, indeed. Buh-bye.
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March 31st, 2018 at 6:15:25 PM permalink
Quote: discflicker

1h 27m 32s must watch, excellent

Using scientology videos
I hope you are not caught up in that cult
My advice
Stay away from the kool ade
Its just a forum. Nothing here to get obsessed about.
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March 31st, 2018 at 6:17:51 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

Quote: discflicker

1h 27m 32s must watch, excellent

Using scientology videos
I hope you are not caught up in that cult
My advice
Stay away from the kool ade

I dont think hes the one drinking the kool-aid
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.
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March 31st, 2018 at 6:18:41 PM permalink
Quote: ZenKinG

Wrong. Even if what I said cant cure something like schizophrenia, which you have no facts saying it wouldnt since none of those people ever fasted more than 8 hours their whole lives. If that doesnt treat them, then what we have is a genetic disorder thanks to their parents who didnt take care of themselves and gave to their kids the resulting trauma. If everyone just starts taking care of themselves and start fasting and exercising and stop eating all this process and refined garbage, then watch a disease free society come to a store near you.

It's quite likely that homeless people are forced to fast much longer than 8 hours. And certainly, my family member, who suffers from schizophrenia and who I care for has, too. Clearly, you have no clue whatsoever of what you are talking about. And if you do, please publish a study that shows a link between mental disorders and fasting. Or a link between parents who didn't take of themselves and gave their kids a resulting trauma. Or anything that's been peer reviewed that makes an iota of scientific sense. When you do that, I will happily recant my statement and tell my family member that they have schizophrenia because their mom didn't care care of herself or that they didn't fast enough as a teenager.

Go back to the casino, continue counting cards, and be the king of Vegas. [sarcasm]That's what you're an expert at. [/sarcasm]
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March 31st, 2018 at 6:44:19 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

It's quite likely that homeless people are forced to fast much longer than 8 hours. And certainly, my family member, who suffers from schizophrenia and who I care for has, too. Clearly, you have no clue whatsoever of what you are talking about. And if you do, please publish a study that shows a link between mental disorders and fasting. Or a link between parents who didn't take of themselves and gave their kids a resulting trauma. Or anything that's been peer reviewed that makes an iota of scientific sense. When you do that, I will happily recant my statement and tell my family member that they have schizophrenia because their mom didn't care care of herself or that they didn't fast enough as a teenager.

Go back to the casino, continue counting cards, and be the king of Vegas. [sarcasm]That's what you're an expert at. [/sarcasm]

You got a lot to learn buddy. The science regarding fasting is mind boggling. If youre not fasting, youre dying slowly only to be medicated to death. Youll also never see these fasting studies hit the TV airwaves, but you know what youll get instead? Thousands of drug commercials with thousands of side effects and guess what? At the same time that these side effects are being read out, they coincidentally have a nice happy scenery in the background with everyone smiling, etc to keep you distracted from hearing the side effects.

Also i like how you try to focus on this schizo thing. Why are you not mentioning that homeless people never have any disease whatsoever other than dying of hunger and lack of clean water. Wheres the diabetes, cancer, and all of that with the homeless? Coincidence? I think not.[/no sarcasm]
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.
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March 31st, 2018 at 6:44:50 PM permalink
Quote: ZenKinG

Drugs make you feel better? LOL. Wow the human body was created to be so weak and futile that it needs plastic pills in their bloodstream. Everything we need is already found in nature, our job is to find it and use it. You think God or whoever you think created us(based on your beliefs) would create a human body that is so incapable of healing itself through anything? You think they would put humans on a planet without the necessary resources to live with? People underestimate how truly powerful the human body is and how much is right in front of us. We have been conditioned to be reliant on 'someone else', so called 'experts', etc. There has been a massive medical agenda going on for drug use for over a century now. Drugs are never the answer, but society doesn't know better and have been conditioned to believe it's their only way.

Try a week long water fast or a month long water fast and let me know what happens. Combine that with a strict exercise regimen and no processed or refined sugar. Only sugar you should be eating is natural occurring sugar that comes from fruits(fructose) NOT glucose. Get as much fish, meat and and protein in your diet as well. If you don't want to do these long fasts, do a 20 hour fast each day and eat one big meal at night and low glycemic foods during the day such as an apple or low fat yogurt. The objective is to not raise insulin levels at all until its night time. Watch you sleep like a baby after that last meal. An understanding of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems will tell you all you need to know why you should only be eating at night.

The meats are a bad idea these days because they're full of chemicals and hormones and are often glued together from bacteria-laced scraps. The yogurt is definitely BAD!! This one got by all of us because it is promoted by the FDA and it appears on the food pyramid... turns out, the FDA food pyramid is and has always been FOR SALE, hence the meat/dairy being promoted aggressively... the meat/dairy producers are big-pharma's biggest customers!!! The meat and the cheese/milk/yogurt industries also buy approval from the American heart association for cash... yogurt and dairy, in general, is actually very unhealthy, especially for the heart/circulation.

Otherwise I almost agree with everything said... but what you might be missing is that mankind HAS BEEN depending upon drugs for a lot longer than the past 100 years. These "ancient drugs" go back thousands of years, and I believe that we have therefore developed genetic dependence upon them! If you study population genetics, you understand how this can happen... let's take marijuana, for example...

We've been consuming it for thousands of GENERATIONS over which the populations that benefit from it, thrive, and those who don't thrive don't survive. So, the populations in which this drug was helpful are the ones that get genetically selected towards a beneficial affinity for it. Another way of looking at this is, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So, it might very well be that we need marijuana in our consumption to be healthy and thrive. Seriously!

Similarly, alcohol has been used for as long as pot and it also has a definite advantage for the cultures that consume it... compared to water, it is much safer to drink alcohol infused fluids. Ditto for a lot of the strong spices used in our foods... germs don't thrive in it, and so it has historically become a big part of our diets.

On the other hand, we are all being exposed to toxic chemicals that mankind has never been exposed to in the past. How can we possibly survive this onslaught of carcinogens? How can our next generation of children possibly make it without eventually scumming to cancer? I know that I have cancer as did the remaining 4/5 direct family members that all died within 4 years of each other. But I'm still alive, and I attribute this to one of these ancient drugs... that and ignoring the oncologists, and ignoring all attempts to get me hooked on killer psychotropic drugs. I too had this cancer way back in 2002 when my dad, mother, and both brothers died of it.

So, my "fight" against big-pharma is for a solid reason... keeping these jerks throttled down so that I can at least get my medical M J and try to enjoy what little time I have left on this God forsaken planet.

I pity the future of our planet and what the next generation of children can expect from it.
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
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